Today we said our goodbyes to Enkhuizen and Rose and Maikel. It’s always sad to say goodbye.

However before that we did spend a couple of hours catching up with Lia and Piet at their home in Venhuizen. We shared our travelling stories and enjoyed their company as well as a quiet walk around Venhuizen. On the way Amy bought a reindeer decoration at the Tol shop, well a shop that was once owned by a local painter named Tol. It was great to catch up with Lia and Piet again.

But it was back to Rose and Maikels for lunch, Rose had made ollenbollen and Riet dropped by so was great way to end our time in Enkhuizen. We can’t thank Rose and Maikel enough for welcoming us into their home and looking after us so well. They are so thoughtful and we love spending time with them.

We had time for one final walk down to the Main Street before we headed to the train station. Our timing was impeccable as we boarded the train just as the heavens opened.

We have checked in to the XO Hotel which where we have stayed before. It’s a nice place and right in the centre of the city.

Tonight’s highlight was our canal cruise to experience the Amsterdam Light Festival. We were really excited to learn that we would be back in Amsterdam to experience the Light Festival and tonights cruise was a perfect way to enjoy it. There is no better way to see Amsterdam than from the water and I always enjoy a canal cruise when in my favourite city. Tonight’s was a new experience as it was actually dark for a change so not only was this great for the light festival but we also got to enjoy looking at the houses, streets and buildings all lit up. I was most interested in the inspiration of the artists in creating their artwork with the theme being ‘disruption’ with many artists using climate change as part of their inspiration.

However I must mention that before the canal cruise we were having a few quite drinks in one of our favourite bars. We were just doing our own thing when another couple sat next to us and we made friends instantly and had a really funny but also interesting conversation. The fellas name was also Tim and it was his birthday. He and his wife were 2 days into a 3 day bender so it was pretty funny listening to their stories, they were enjoying quite a mind bending adventure by the sound of it. I love these random interactions with other people.

Anyway, we have found our way back to our room and looking forward to what adventures tomorrow brings.