This is a piece I wrote in 2016 after the US Elections.

The recent election result in America has certainly raised many questions and concerns for our future. Many people are questioning how Trump could be elected given the diatribe of hate, racism and lies that were told during his election campaign.

I find the current discourse of hate, racism, xenophobia and homophobia that has become prevalent within our community to be completely offensive, despicable and worrisome. Good people need to stand up and call out this behaviour. Surely we are better than this?

But I get how this undercurrent of opposing everything/everyone that is different to the norm has risen. Our community is threatened and it is hurting. Some so called leaders across the political spectrum have harnessed and enflamed this feeling for their own benefit. It is easy to be negative and to blame the recent immigrant or refugee. It’s easy to revert to the ‘us versus them’ mentality and finding comfort in blaming others. This is a primal reaction which we must rise above. Surely we are better than this?

If I was an American and I faced the uncertainly, the lack of opportunities to work and provide for my family, the loss of industries that underpinned productive lives, saw how the economy and the political system fail them and only benefit the few, and that the disparity between the haves and have not’s just keeps growing then I too would have lodged a protest vote. I too would have voted for Trump. Not because I agreed with his racism and hate, but that he represents something other than the current political establishment. Hilary Clinton represented the establishment. The choices were clear, stick to the status quo which is hurting us or seek an alternative.

So I get why Trump has been elected President. To many he represents a movement, a movement towards a future where everyone might be able to get a piece of the pie, where we might be able to move towards a more simple life. I don’t agree with the way he has campaigned and I don’t believe Trump is the person who can bring a future that is inclusive and better for all. In fact I think he could make life much worse for all of us but I am happy to be proven wrong. I hope I am wrong.

I see around the world that we are all getting fed up with our current political and economic systems. The rise of One Nation in Australia, Brexit in the UK, and the election of Trump in the USA are a few examples all related to this feeling. There are many examples now across the world where we are saying enough is enough. We have lost trust in our public institutions. This is a very dangerous place to be.

As humanity we have some massive challenges facing us that need to be addressed. Exponential global population growth and climate change being two major ones that immediately come to mind. We need strong leadership from our governments and public institutions to meet these challenges, we need to trust that they can do the right thing. They must act in the best interests of us all. These challenges are huge and require global action.

However the election of Trump and the prevailing sentiment in many countries, especially here in Australia poses perhaps a more immediate challenge for our governments, especially if they are to address our global challenges in a meaningful and successful manner. Our government, and we all, need to address our current political and economic systems with the aim that they meet the needs of all of us, and not the wealthy few. Our governments have the challenge of earning our trust back. Perhaps Trumps movement is the catalyst for this to occur?

Our current capitalist economic and political system needs an overhaul, it is unsustainable and creating great inequality. A system that results in 95% of the wealth generated in the USA in recent years going to only 1% of the population is wrong. A system where the 1% of a population accounts for 40% of a nation’s wealth is wrong. A world where 1% of the global population accounts for 50% of the world’s wealth is wrong. The wealth is not trickling down from the top as we have been told it would. I can see why America is hurting. This growing inequality is also occurring in Australia. It is hurting us all.

We blame our governments for the crisis we find ourselves in and rightly so. They have allowed multinational corporations to shift jobs offshore and evade tax, entered free trade agreements, closed industries, promoted deregulation and privatisation of infrastructure and services all in the name of a neoliberal ideology and resulting in greater inequality. They have also implemented inhumane and abhorrent regimes against refugees. On the other hand it can be argued that we get the government we deserve as they represent us. We voted for them. I believe we deserve better. Surely we must be better than this?

We need a new political and social paradigm. I believe its time for a new renaissance. The people of America have just proven this.

I agree with Trump when he says we need a movement towards a better future for all and that the work has only just began to achieve this.

However, the movement I want to be a part of is a movement that delivers state ownership and investment in essential infrastructure. A movement that develops and invests in renewable energy, manufacturing and agriculture. A movement that redistributes wealth across the community through fair taxation. A movement that provides quality education and health care. A movement that is proud of our indigenous heritage. A movement that is inclusive and welcomes refugees and immigrants wanting to be a part of our great country. A movement which celebrates all our differences and cultures. A movement based on the values of social justice, integrity, trust, mutual respect and hard work. A movement whereby we will leave a positive legacy for future generations.

We need our government to be this movement. We must demand this of ourselves because the alternative is too frightening to comprehend.