Today started with a trip over to the Anne Frank House. We had visited here before but Amy was keen to look at their attic again. The experience of visiting the Anne Frank house is always moving and is reflective of the human story behind the atrocities imposed by the Nazis. However it should be noted that the story of Anne Frank and her family was not unique and there were lots of families being hidden all across the Netherlands during WWII, the whole experience bringing out the best and worst of humankind.

As the Anne Frank house is near Jordaan we decided to have another stroll through this neighbourhood, this never gets boring.

Amy was keen to suss out the A’dam lookout which is on the other side of the Ij, we hadn’t ventured over there before and it was on our list of to do things last time we were here. It was a pleasant but short ferry ride across and we found our way to the top of the 100 metre tall building. It affords some great views back over the city however it was a bit hazy today so the views were a bit impeded. On reflection we should have come over yesterday when the sun was out and the skies clear. Anyway, this was a fun experience and very touristy.

We decided to head over to Rembrandtplein for some lunch and then this afternoon we spent much of it in Dam Square enjoying some bubbles and Jameson’s watching the palace and the people go by. This is probably my favourite spot to sit and take in the city, with the palace as the backdrop it’s just a beautiful, relaxed and uplifting setting. as the days end so early we watched Dam Square transform from daylight to night time.

Tonight we dined at the Pantry at the Leidesplein again. The food was delicious and the service impeccable, I love dining here, the waiter just cracks me up and the food is awesome.

Whilst we are coming to the end of our trip I don’t really want to go home but I’m not sad to be heading home either. Is it what it is and it’s a privilege to be able to be here and spend 4 weeks on holiday.